Tuesday, January 08, 2008


In memory of Dennis Hawes
1923 – 2007.

He wrote the following in January 1989.


He sits writing in the public library
Under the bust of William Harvey
Waiting for inspiration to produce some verse,
But sadly each stanza just gets steadily worse.
January afternoon, dreary, dark, cold, rainy,
Hardly the time for being bright and brainy.
Retired librarian, still in familiar location,
Having difficulty in handling his new vocation.
Leisure to be a great challenge to his skill,
Poems, paintings, nature, study all to fulfill,
But winter has stunted his aspiration
Age diminished his energy and perception.
Sleeps badly, is scared of all manner of things
Is fearful of the comforts that modern life brings.
Central heating, washing machine, even the fridge
Are seen as High Tech problems he now has to bridge.
Lies in bed imagining all kinds of disaster,
Wakes anxious, trembling, his heart racing faster.
Kills time in the shops, the Legion, the swimming pool,
Trying to save cash on his central heating, old fool.
Sensible Pensioners should fly off to the sun,
For then winter in retirement might well be fun.
 1989 Dennis Hawes.
We hope he found his God.

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